Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Tomorrow, at 0323, my little boy will be 1 year old. This is totally unbelievable to me, it seems like just yesterday I was holding a teeny tiny little boy in my arms. Heck, it seems like I was pregnant and itching up a storm no that long ago. Somehow, this year has slipped by me all to quickly.

I have to admit that I am a little bit sad. Yes, there a many, many great things to look forward to. Sports, school, and a million other things that are merely a thought in the distant future. But, there are some things that I will never get back. That noise he made when he was first born and the little boy who loved to snuggle with me in bed at night.

My son isn't a baby any more. He's a toddler. He loves trucks, dogs, and rough housing. He is much less focus on being with mommy and much more focused on destruction. While spending time with him is much more amusing now and there is never a dull moment when he is on the go (which is always!), I still have a longing to be snuggled up with him, having him listen to me read. Now, we can hardly get through our bedtime books.

I guess there is really no point in feeling sad, we have so much to look forward to with my buddy. So, happy birthday B! We have a long, long time to make more things that I will miss once they are over.

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