Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Day in the Life...

As I found myself pouring over internet sites looking for people like me, I realized that perhaps I should just start writing about it myself. What was I looking for? The experiences of an active duty military officer who is also working her way through the early stages of motherhood. How do they survive being exhausted and still having to function at work? How do they deal with the long, stressful hours at work followed by long, stressful hours at home with a husband and infant? What about ALL the guilt, both at work and home? I couldn't find it, so I figure maybe I will write it down and it can help someone else. Also, by typing it up, I can skate a little longer on starting B's scrapbook!

So, my name is Diana. I am an active duty Navy LT married to an active duty Navy LT. I am getting ready to start a new job at my new duty station and my husband is soon to report to his new ship. We just finished a cross country move and are getting settled into our new home. I have a soon to be 6 month old son. B is an absolutely great kid! I couldn't ask for more, he has taken all the challenges that we have thrown at him in stride. He's been across the country three times in his short life. We also have 5, count 'em 5, pets. So my house never has a dull moment.

I am hoping to use this blog to chronicle my life and my journey through the Navy and motherhood. I am also hoping that this will reach some of the many ladies who are working so hard to serve both their country, both in the military or married to it, and their families. Hope anyone who finds this enjoys it. Thanks for listening!

1 comment:

  1. You are definitely in a unique situation...I look forward to reading your blog. I was in the same situation as you, minus the baby - active duty LT married to active duty LT. I decided to get out to start raising our family about 5 years ago. I know of a few other moms who are also active duty and I don't now how they do it! I'm really looking forward to hearing your perspective on this.
